Monday, June 23, 2008


we just finished packing!  i can't believe that we're leaving for italy tomorrow.  it's a trip that we've been looking forward to for so long and now it's here.  passport?  check.  comfy shoes?  ipod?  check.  plenty of underwear?  check.  i have this feeling, though, like i'm forgetting something, but we don't leave for the airport until noon so there's still time to get any last minute items.

i think this vaca will really be good for us.  i've been tired the past several weeks, just going at a fast pace, and even though we'll be traveling and seeing a lot of beautiful sights we're taking 2 weeks to do it so we can be relaxed.  no cell phone.  no laptop.  to be honest, i'm feeling a little anxious about not having those, but we've left all our info with family and friends just in case they need to get in touch with us for an emergency.  it will be really good for me to unplug and spend some unhurried time with liz and with Jesus.

i'm not taking a whole lot for reading - my bible of course, psalms 1-72 and psalms 73-150 (from the tyndale old testament commentary series), according to plan by graeme goldsworthy.  got my ipod loaded up with music and some new sermons by david platt, dever, and piper.  also, downloaded a rick steve's podcast of a walking tour through rome and florence.  it came with maps of the different sights.  that will be interesting, we'll see how helpful it is.

gotta head to bed now, i'm not really sleepy (too excited for tomorrow) but i'm dead tired.  i'm going to try to write at least once while we're in italy, but i may enjoy my unplugged condition so much that i don't bother.  arrivederci!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

back home

even though i hadn't missed a sunday at lakeland, i felt like i had been gone for a while.  so it was really good to be back this morning.  liz flies in tonight from chattanooga so i went to lunch with some friends.  olive garden.  i killed the tour of italy, but i can't wait for REAL italian food beginning tuesday!  gonna try and get a quick nap in this afternoon...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

honk 4 Jesus

today was a first for me; did something i've never done before - i honked 4 jesus.  and not only once, but twice.  i know, i know, i shouldn't overdo it especially the first time.  but i'm not sure i'll do it again...  after a great week leading the worship for Woodland Park's youth camp in TN I was driving the 10 hours back home.  i was in high spirits, listening to this new music artist i stumbled across this past week (paul stephens, look him up), and also some mark dever sermons (which you should also look up).  anyway, i drive by this car that had a sign on the back window "honk 4 Jesus".  it was written on a piece of paper and was on the inside.  in the spur of the moment i though, "cool" so i honk-honk-hoooonked my VW as i drove past them.  to say the least, i was surprised when the drive looked over and scowled at me.  hmm?  i thought it kind of odd.  but here's the funny thing.  about an hour later i see this mini-van with stuff painted on it.  and this one said, "honk if you love Jesus".  i thought, "cool, i get another opp to honk".  same thing!!!!  this time as i pass and unashamedly honk, it's a man who's glaring at me.  i still smiled, but didn't wave that time.  funny, huh?  i think now i've honked 4 Jesus all i need too.  i'm glad to be home, and looking forward to my wife arriving tomorrow! :-)  we leave for our italy vacation (2 weeks!) in just a few days.  can't wait...

Friday, June 20, 2008


last night at camp during the main session we led the students in taking the Lord's Supper. amazing. i led them in singing a few songs, and then david lawson spoke. nothing he said was really 'new' but for some reason the Lord allowed me to come to His table in a fresh way, with renewed gratitude for the fact that my sin has been completely paid for by Jesus, that i have no fear of the wrath of God because i've received unmerited favor. what a gracious God.

after the session, we headed down for the bonfire for a "say so" time. several people shared their testimonies; they bragged on God. it was so cool to hear how God had rescued them, has changed them and made them new creations. it was such an encouraging evening.

today is the last day of camp. i drive back to gurnee in the morning. but i'm so glad that i was able to be a part of this camp. i've received so much and have been refreshed even as i've been ministering. thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and your goodness.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

always learning

i'm in newport, tn, this week, leading the music for a youth camp. it's been really good; the students seem to be engaging and responding as i lead them in worship. i'm also teaching a session on worship every morning for about an hour and a half. every time i get the opportunity to teach on worship or talk about it i feel (1) really inadequate to speak as an authority or an expert; i just try to convey what i've learned about worship from what the Bible says. but i also feel (2) like these are opportunities for me to grow in my understanding. i like the interaction that comes from group discussion, the give and take, the clarification that naturally occurs when i'm talking with a group about worship. it sharpens my own thoughts.

today was a great discussion, talking about what the content of our songs should be. the Word of God needs to be central, informing and shaping our lyrics, conveying objective truth and also helping us express a subjective response. we talked about healthy tensions - vertical and horizontal focus, historical and contemporary styles, the multi-faceted character of God that we should always be exploring. a lot of students had sincere, valid questions about songs that are significant to them and i think it was a profitable time for us to take a close look at them through the lens of God's Word. anyway, a lot more i could say, but it's right after lunch, and i'm sleepy... but hey, day two and i actually wrote something. points for hinkle! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

to begin, or not to begin?

i have at least 5-7 different journals that i've purchased with the intent of filling with my daily thoughts, prayers, and remembrances. i think the first page of each journal goes something like this... "well, here's another attempt at journaling". i've gotten further along in a few more than the rest, but usually i just quit trying. not bragging about that, it's actually a little embarrassing because it seems to me that journaling should come easy to me. i really do like to write, once i get started. but i also like to procrastinate, so yeah, that's a problem. again, not bragging, more like confessing.

i've decided i'm going to try this blogging thing (listen to me, i sound so naive and unexperienced, haha). it's not that i'm thinking this different venue is going to make a world of difference for me. i know that if my thoughts are ever going to make it out of my head onto 'paper', it will depend on me actually giving them a voice. but maybe, just maybe, since this is a much more public forum than the (really cool looking) journals that i've purchased (and well-meaning friends have purchased for me) sitting dusty on my bookshelf, i'll do better this time.

so, here's to another attempt at journaling. i hope to share my thoughts honestly and openly, yet always honoring Jesus Christ with what i say and the way i say it.