"God, please make me like a sponge. help me soak up all that You would have me learn about You this week. help me see You more clearly, love You more deeply, and obey You more readily as a result of this unique time away with You."
while that is a good prayer for every week, it's what i have been specifically asking of God as i make preparations to attend the worship conference hosted by sovereign grace ministries this week at covenant life church in gaithersburg, md. i love the privilege of leading corporate worship, but it is a special treat when i can join in as a participant. i was able to attend this conference in 2006 with my senior pastor, dan weyerhaeuser, and this year i'm excited to bring 3 guys from lakeland with me - matt condron, kyle sprecher, and david van nostrand. the theme for this year's conference is worshipGod08: rediscovering the psalms. i'm so excited i can hardly stand it! we fly out wednesday morning (jul 30) and return saturday evening (aug 2).
please join me in praying for this conference and the four of us who are going...
(1) pray for safe travel to and from gaithersburg, md
(2) pray for our families while we are away from them
(3) pray that our fellowship would be Christ-centered and mutually edifying
(4) pray for those leading the conference, and those attending the conference
(5) pray for discernment for us to perceive what God is speaking from his Word
(6) pray for our hearts to be challenged/convicted/comforted as we encounter God in His Word.
for those of you at lakeland, i look forward to seeing you and worshiping with you on sunday morning. i will post a report when i return. take care...