Friday, February 27, 2009

Mmm, Saucy!

Is a caption even necessary?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Help A Daddy Out!

Technically, I guess you could say that I already am a father. Though Liz and I haven't met Baby Hinkle face to face yet, he/she is very much alive, reminding Mommy of his/her existence through a steady display of gymnastics!

But the anticipated arrival of Baby Hinkle, and my official title of "Daddy", is roughly 5 weeks away. By God's grace, I will be strive to be the best father I can be. I think that part of learning to be one is just the practical experience of doing it, but another BIG part is learning from others. What to do. What not to do. What works. What didn't.

So, I'm asking you to help a Daddy out! It doesn't matter if you are one or not; we've all had a father or been impacted by one. So, using only a couple sentences, what is your best advice for a new Daddy?

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Holiest Bible?

One of the features of my new iPhone that I'm geeked about right now is the ESV Study Bible app.  I picked up a hard copy last fall at a conference (which I have thoroughly benefited from) and this little app has all the notes, maps, charts, etc. in it - all at my fingertips and at a fraction of the weight!  I've been enjoying reading and studying from it the past couple weeks, and really finding fresh joy in the Scripture (that sounds a little funny to say).  And yes, joy in God's Word, not in technology!

Last night during our small group, the discussion turned to the pros and cons of using an "electronic" version of the Bible (like on my iPhone) rather than a "hard copy".  For example, is it more beneficial to read from an actual book rather than a mobile device?  Am I losing something by clicking buttons rather than turning pages?  Am I making God's Word "common" by using it on the same device as I do to make calls or find the nearest Starbucks?  Is it better, more holy, or more profitable when read from a printed copy?  Or is the Word of God just as powerful and life-changing, no matter what form it's in (spoken, handwritten, printed, etc)?  Doesn't  it really depend on the heart of the reader who is interacting with it?

Another friend and I were talking about it this morning, and acknowledged many possible views on the matter.  I decided that I'm curious to know what more people think about this.  So, what are your thoughts about the benefits/disadvantages of reading and studying the Bible in electronic form as a primary source, be it on the internet or an app for a mobile device?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saving Faithfulness

"But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness." (Psalm 69:13)

I'm happy to report that Liz has been released from the hospital this afternoon to come home. Our little pre-born Baby Hinkle is safe and healthy, and so is Liz. Because of the deep clotting in her left leg (the right leg is clear) she will be on a blood-thinner until delivery and up to 6 weeks after. The hematologist will continue to do some tests (pre and post labor) to determine the actual cause of the clotting. We meet with him and the obstetrician next week.

For now Liz will be at home resting and not going back to work, at least for the rest of this week. We'll see about next week, depending on the pain. We are hoping that the swelling will steadily decrease and the pain will subside. Other than that discomfort, Liz is doing as well as can be expected. She is weary from dealing with everything but is in good spirits, as usual. Her parents were able to make the 8 hour drive through the night, and will be with us for a while to help out. Already, it's been a relief having them here; they are a blessing.

Again, thank you for praying for Liz and Baby Hinkle. This means more to us than we can express. Thanks for your messages. This morning, I read to Liz the list of facebook posts, both public and private, from you all, as well as the texts, emails, and voicemails. We are humbly grateful for you and for the fact that God, in the abundance of his steadfast love, has answered us in his saving faithfulness.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on Liz

I know that many of you have been praying for Liz, and we are so grateful for your care and concern. Thank you! I wish I could talk to each of you, but I think posting an update here will be more expedient...

For the past week Liz has been experiencing a good deal of pain and swelling in her left leg. The doctor thought this was due to the baby sitting on a nerve. We went to the doctor this afternoon because the pain was persisting and they did an ultrasound of her leg. They found deep vein clotting all throughout her upper left leg so they sent us immediately to a hospital that specializes in high-risk pregnancies/births (Lutheran General in Park Ridge, IL). She'll be 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow.

We've been here since about 4:30pm Bottom line, the baby is healthy and fine. Strong heartbeat and plenty of movement. But they will be keeping Liz here resting for the next few days. They have started her on a blood-thinner and the hope is that this will remove the clotting. She is still in some pain but the swelling has gone down a bit.

I'm not sure what's next. We'll probably know more when we speak with the doctors in the morning. Please continue to pray! If you know Liz at all you know she is one strong woman and has really been a trooper. We know that we are held securely by Jesus, so we are praying for God to increase our trust in His sovereign care.

Thank you again for praying and calling. I'll send another update soon. Peace to you...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Letter to Baby Hinkle

Oh, Baby Hinkle, you have so much going for you... You have parents who love each other and who have made Jesus the center of their home. They are so happy that God is entrusting them with such a precious gift. And they will love you, nurture you, shelter you, defend you, and lay down their very lives for you. You have the most beautiful mother in the world; just wait until you see her! And your father will write you lullabies and sing them to you every night; have you already heard him singing? They both love to laugh, so you will have a lot of fun growing up, experiencing new and different things and living life to the fullest! Your parents were raised in families who knew and loved Jesus, and still do. And, oh, your grandparents and great-grandparents have waited quite a while for you. I assure you, you will never lack for love or attention when you are with any of them! And more than all this, you have been fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe! He knows the number of hairs on your fuzzy little head. It is He who conducts the beating of your heart in perfect rhythm. He has already mapped out all the days ordained for you. Even now, you are being handmade by God in your mother's womb. Yes, indeed, you have so much going for you!

But, oh, Baby Hinkle, you have so much against you... This world that is waiting to greet you is one that is wounded and broken. There is heartache. There is sadness. There is pain. It is a world created in the beginning by God to be good, but because of sin there are many things in it that are not good. Yes, I know sin is a big word for such a little baby. But it’s not too soon for you to know about it. For you see, not only will you be living in a world damaged by sin, but you yourself have inherited sin, just like your mother and your father. If we could change that for you, we would, but there is nobody who can escape it. Every person has sinned and has not measured up to God’s perfect standard, and must pay the cost. Every person, that is, except one. Jesus lived a perfect life, and though He didn’t deserve it He paid the cost of sin for us so that anyone who trusts in Him will be rescued from sin to live forever with Him, just as God planned in the beginning. So while there is hope, indeed, you have so much against you!

That is why your mother and I will preach the gospel to you, teach the gospel to you, sing the gospel to you, live the gospel in front of you. Because we know firsthand that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Yes, we will take every opportunity we can, using every way we know how, to point you to Jesus so that you may trust in Him and be rescued from sin to live forever with Him!

Oh, Baby Hinkle, we can't wait to meet you face to face. We can't wait for the surprise to see if you are son or a daughter! We can't wait to tell you your name! And we can't wait to hold you, to figure out whose eyes and nose and mouth you have, and yes, even to change your diapers and hear you wail! You'll be here soon enough, so for now just rest and grow. And try to take it easy on Mummy these last few weeks; she's doing a lot for you, you know! We’ll see you soon…

I'll love you forever,

Friday, February 6, 2009


here's a peek at pre-born, mystery baby hinkle at 31 weeks inside the womb! we can't tell if this kid is shy or stubborn. we're going to go with stubborn! the technician tried about 7 times to get a good shot of the face, but this little one wouldn't move his/her hand away from the eyes.

fearfully and wonderfully made, wouldn't you say? we can't wait to meet this little one! hopefully only 8-9 more weeks!