Oh, Baby Hinkle, you have so much going for you... You have parents who love each other and who have made Jesus the center of their home. They are so happy that God is entrusting them with such a precious gift. And they will love you, nurture you, shelter you, defend you, and lay down their very lives for you. You have the most beautiful mother in the world; just wait until you see her! And your father will write you lullabies and sing them to you every night; have you already heard him singing? They both love to laugh, so you will have a lot of fun growing up, experiencing new and different things and living life to the fullest! Your parents were raised in families who knew and loved Jesus, and still do. And, oh, your grandparents and great-grandparents have waited quite a while for you. I assure you, you will never lack for love or attention when you are with any of them! And more than all this, you have been fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe! He knows the number of hairs on your fuzzy little head. It is He who conducts the beating of your heart in perfect rhythm. He has already mapped out all the days ordained for you. Even now, you are being handmade by God in your mother's womb. Yes, indeed, you have so much going for you!
But, oh, Baby Hinkle, you have so much against you... This world that is waiting to greet you is one that is wounded and broken. There is heartache. There is sadness. There is pain. It is a world created in the beginning by God to be good, but because of sin there are many things in it that are not good. Yes, I know sin is a big word for such a little baby. But it’s not too soon for you to know about it. For you see, not only will you be living in a world damaged by sin, but you yourself have inherited sin, just like your mother and your father. If we could change that for you, we would, but there is nobody who can escape it. Every person has sinned and has not measured up to God’s perfect standard, and must pay the cost. Every person, that is, except one. Jesus lived a perfect life, and though He didn’t deserve it He paid the cost of sin for us so that anyone who trusts in Him will be rescued from sin to live forever with Him, just as God planned in the beginning. So while there is hope, indeed, you have so much against you!
That is why your mother and I will preach the gospel to you, teach the gospel to you, sing the gospel to you, live the gospel in front of you. Because we know firsthand that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Yes, we will take every opportunity we can, using every way we know how, to point you to Jesus so that you may trust in Him and be rescued from sin to live forever with Him!
Oh, Baby Hinkle, we can't wait to meet you face to face. We can't wait for the surprise to see if you are son or a daughter! We can't wait to tell you your name! And we can't wait to hold you, to figure out whose eyes and nose and mouth you have, and yes, even to change your diapers and hear you wail! You'll be here soon enough, so for now just rest and grow. And try to take it easy on Mummy these last few weeks; she's doing a lot for you, you know! We’ll see you soon…
I'll love you forever,