Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here Comes Baby!

Because of Liz's high risk for blood clotting, the doctor wants to monitor labor and delivery as closely as possible. This week is week #39 so the baby is healthy and ready to come. We arrived at Lutheran General Hospital about an hour ago. Liz is doing well - cool, calm, and collected. I think I am, too. It's all very surreal! The induction process will begin sometime this evening, so Baby Hinkle will be here soon. We can't wait for you to meet our Little One...


Jill Payne said...

We'll be praying, Stephen & Liz!

Anonymous said...

Lutheran is such a great hospital to deliver. Liz and baby are in great hands there. I am so excited to hear the news boy or girl! We will be praying for you both!

Kristen and Jeff

LA Nickers said...

Praying for you both - and for Baby Hinkle.

Whitney said...

Can't wait! Can't wait!! AHHH! Praying for you 3. :)

Amber said...

Wow, very exciting! Your heart will be overflowing with emotions! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Corinne said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with the 3 of you! Can't wait to meet your little one, God's amazing blessing on you!!!!

Corinne and Doug