Saturday, June 21, 2008

honk 4 Jesus

today was a first for me; did something i've never done before - i honked 4 jesus.  and not only once, but twice.  i know, i know, i shouldn't overdo it especially the first time.  but i'm not sure i'll do it again...  after a great week leading the worship for Woodland Park's youth camp in TN I was driving the 10 hours back home.  i was in high spirits, listening to this new music artist i stumbled across this past week (paul stephens, look him up), and also some mark dever sermons (which you should also look up).  anyway, i drive by this car that had a sign on the back window "honk 4 Jesus".  it was written on a piece of paper and was on the inside.  in the spur of the moment i though, "cool" so i honk-honk-hoooonked my VW as i drove past them.  to say the least, i was surprised when the drive looked over and scowled at me.  hmm?  i thought it kind of odd.  but here's the funny thing.  about an hour later i see this mini-van with stuff painted on it.  and this one said, "honk if you love Jesus".  i thought, "cool, i get another opp to honk".  same thing!!!!  this time as i pass and unashamedly honk, it's a man who's glaring at me.  i still smiled, but didn't wave that time.  funny, huh?  i think now i've honked 4 Jesus all i need too.  i'm glad to be home, and looking forward to my wife arriving tomorrow! :-)  we leave for our italy vacation (2 weeks!) in just a few days.  can't wait...

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