Thursday, July 24, 2008

looking forward to worshipgod 08: rediscovering the psalms

well, i've spent most of today working on details and final arrangements for next week's sovereign grace worship conference that i'll be attending. i'm really excited to be able to go back. in 2006 i had the pleasure to attend with my sr. pastor, dan weyerhaeuser, and this year i'm taking three guys with me. i always like having someone else attend a conference with me so we can discuss it after we've left, and this group of guys will be good. and i have a couple friends that live in the d.c. area, so i'm hoping that we'll get to connect while i'm there.

the conference is held in gaithersburg, md, at covenant life church. i remember how refreshed i was after leaving the conference in 2006, and i'm excited for these other guys to experience that. this year's theme is 'rediscovering the psalms'. some favorite speakers will be talking in the general sessions, including mark dever and thabiti anabwile. also, sov grace will have their new worship record, called 'psalms', available.

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